Going Awol

Well peeps, I’m gonna disappear for a couple of weeks. Because…

The Tower

The Tower: I’m feeling inspired to write again after a 6 month hiatus from novel writing.

The Magician vs The High Priestess: And the thing is, I’m a writer more than a Tarot card reader. Telling stories is my favourite thing to do.

The Star

The Star: But to get fully in the writing zone I need to retreat from the world for awhile.

4 Swords

Four Of Swords: As I’m on school holidays for the next 2 weeks it’s the perfect time to  have a break from daily reality and lock myself away.

10 Cups

Ten Of Cups: I wish everyone a very Happy Easter with their loved ones.

Knight Wands

Knight Of Wands: I’ll be riding back into blog town with my batteries recharged ready to rock ‘n roll (or maybe just talk Tarot again, lol) around the 15th of April when I return to work.

Thanks for your continued support. Cheers, tan!

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