The Tarot of The Ship Stuck in Suez

I love this David and Goliath image. Two men and a tractor turn up to dislodge the massive cargo ship currently stuck fast in the Suez Canal. It feels like a metaphor for these crazy times. There’s us with our little arsenal of tricks trying to deal with the overwhelming corruption and stupidity of the world.

The stuck ship is this…

Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Putting a hold on everyone’s plans

Those two men are this…

Seven of Pentacles: Wondering what the bleep they signed up for

The tractor is this…

Seven of Wands Reversed: Battling against overwhelming odds

The rest of us are this…

The Fool: Enjoying a bit of light-hearted relief on the internet for once

Of course, the blockage of one of the world’s largest shipping channels is no laughing matter. It is a very big, very expensive problem for companies which ship goods around the world. It will impose a cost that will eventually be passed down to us consumers.

But maybe, like Covid, it’s another sign from the universe that we all need to slow down and reflect on just where society is at in this moment.


Seven Of Pentacles Reversed: What’s The Point In Trying?

I’m having one of those days when I just can’t get my head straight. There’s a million things I could do but none of them seem to be getting me anywhere. So why bother? Which makes me think of this card…

7 Pents R

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