The Tarot of the Northern Winter Solstice

The celebration of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere has ancient roots…

The Moon: Hidden Depths

Going back thousands of years, possibly tens of thousands of years, maybe even hundreds of thousands of years, into prehistory.

And it’s not hard to see why!

December 21st marks this…

Wheel of Fortune: A turning point

It’s when the Earth pauses in its tilt away from the Sun, before heading back towards the light.

This is a truly significant moment in the year and would have had deep meaning for our ancestors.

The Earth turns towards the light just before the northern hemisphere is plunged into the bleakness of the most challenging winter months, when the weather is freezing and food scarce…

Five of Pentacles: Hard times

The winter solstice commemoration was created to remind us during the darkest of times that the world is turning back towards the light.

It is a celebration of this…

The Star: Hope

And is the true origins of the Christmas festival we now celebrate at this time of the year.

Jesus is another symbol of hope for us.

Of a way we can move forward towards the light.

Just as Tarot is too!

The Tarot of Easter

Happy Easter 2021!

On Easter Sunday we remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to Christian lore, his emergence from the tomb 2000 years ago proved he was the son of God. For Christians, this event signifies the new life we can experience when we embrace the Word of God.

Judgement: Being called to serve

But before Easter was a Christian celebration, it was a pagan one.

Three of Pentacles: Building on strong foundations

According to St. Bede The Venerable, the word ‘Easter’ was derived from ‘Eostre’, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. This is also where we get the word ‘oestrogen’ from (Makes sense that a female hormone would be named after a female being). Many of the traditions and symbols that play a key role in Easter observations have their roots in Her celebrations.

The Empress: Fertility & growth
In Tarot, first comes The Empress, THEN The Emperor

The very date of Easter betrays its pagan origins. It is always celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. Nothing related to the date of Jesus’s death at all. However, full moons and equinoxes were highly significant for our European ancestors.

The Moon: Hidden depths

The period of fasting that precedes Easter is a reminder of the dire food reserves our ancestors were left with at the end of winter. Rations needed to be used sparingly. Much of the good stuff was gone. We suffer as they did.

Five of Pentacles: Feeling poor

The eggs that birds produce as daylight starts to increase would have been one of the first fresh foods our ancestors could lay their hands on. Same same for rabbits. Their breeding season begins mid-February. These were the first signs of new life. Thus their significance to the ancient Vernal Equinox celebrations: A festival of gratitude that the darkness was receding and the natural world was springing back to life.

Seven of Pentacles: Reflecting on the new shoots sprouting

Egg rolling and egg decorating customs were created to acknowledge the life-saving role of eggs at this critical time of year.

Ten of Pentacles: Family traditions

At its core, the Easter story has always been a reminder that no matter how bleak the world may seem, things can get better.

The Wheel of Fortune: The ups and downs of life

Whichever version of the story you prefer, Easter is a time of hope.

Enjoy your celebrations today!

The Tarot of The Ship Stuck in Suez

I love this David and Goliath image. Two men and a tractor turn up to dislodge the massive cargo ship currently stuck fast in the Suez Canal. It feels like a metaphor for these crazy times. There’s us with our little arsenal of tricks trying to deal with the overwhelming corruption and stupidity of the world.

The stuck ship is this…

Wheel of Fortune Reversed: Putting a hold on everyone’s plans

Those two men are this…

Seven of Pentacles: Wondering what the bleep they signed up for

The tractor is this…

Seven of Wands Reversed: Battling against overwhelming odds

The rest of us are this…

The Fool: Enjoying a bit of light-hearted relief on the internet for once

Of course, the blockage of one of the world’s largest shipping channels is no laughing matter. It is a very big, very expensive problem for companies which ship goods around the world. It will impose a cost that will eventually be passed down to us consumers.

But maybe, like Covid, it’s another sign from the universe that we all need to slow down and reflect on just where society is at in this moment.


The Tarot of Christmas 2020

It’s been a hard year.

The hardest ever for many.

You may be feeling like this…

Five of Pentacles: Without hope

Or like this…

Ten of Wands: Overburdened with cares

Or like this…

Ten of Swords: Mentally drained

If you’re young, you may be feeling like this…

Seven of Swords: Cheated of a normal childhood/young adulthood

If you’re middle-aged, you might be feeling like this…

Two of Pentacles + Seven of Wands: Juggling never-ending battles

If you’re old or have serious health conditions, you might be feeling like this…

The Devil + Death: Terrified of dying

Wherever you’re at, Christmas is a time to stop and remember…

The Christmas Star: There is ALWAYS hope…

Life CAN get better. We could be just around the corner from a turning point in our fight against the virus currently plaguing our planet. You could be one interview away from a much-needed job. One phone call away from loving support.

As Tarot reminds us, nothing lasts forever…

Wheel of Fortune: Life goes up AND down (not just down)

Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy and happy Christmas together!

Ten of Cups: Happy families (in whatever form they come for you!)

As a Christmas gift, you can read the first chapter of my Tarot Teaclub series now published on Amazon for free on Christmas Day. Just click on the link below…

Weighing Up The Right With The Wrong

I’ve just spent two weeks shut in my apartment.

Not because I have coronavirus.

Not even because I’m a close contact of someone who does.

What happened to me is symptomatic of a system in chaos. A society under stress. A modern workplace, which is so concerned about not doing the wrong thing, it doesn’t do the right thing.

A student diagnosed with coronavirus had come to school.

Teaching staff were informed we’d need to stay home until close contacts of this student had been traced. It was meant to take one to two days. Three days, tops.

Each evening, around 5 o’clock, a message came from the education department, informing everyone to stay home the next day.

This message came on Tuesday. On Wednesday. On Thursday.

And then it came again on Friday. After the three days had passed.

And then the next evening. And the next. And the next.

Until the entire school staff had done a full quarantine, regardless of whether or not we were a close contact.

For some people this was probably fine. But I live on my own. In an apartment. There’s no-one to do the shopping for me. I can’t get groceries dropped at the door. And I never knew, from one day to the next, that I would be staying home, so it was hard to put a system in place to get support.

Fortunately, my daughter returned from the country, and replenished my food supplies in the nick of time. But that was just sheer, dumb luck!

What made the whole situation more distressing, was that the school leadership team never once directly addressed what was happening. Oh yes, they implied we must all be at home. But they never asked how we were going, or if we needed support in any way. Just referred us to the department messages and available hotlines.

I suspect they were afraid of saying the wrong thing. Getting in trouble. There’s so much compliance pressure in schools these days, no one wants to do anything but what they’re told to do.

We’re so focussed on not doing the wrong thing, we don’t do the right thing.

And I wondered if Tarot had anything to say about this.

I think the lesson comes in this card…

Temperance: Finding the right balance

There has never been a system invented that takes into account every factor involved. Let alone, one that does this in the workplace. Yet we’re expected to be compliant to the letter, without taking into account other possible issues. There’s so much focus on ticking boxes in schools these days, there’s no opportunity to step back and ask:

What else should we be doing?

What are we missing?

Temperance is a card found in the Major Arcana. Or, as I like to call it: Life Lessons Tarot. Finding the right balance is an important lesson to learn. As the card points out, in its association with health, this is what maintains well-being.

Right now, it feels like work environments are this…

Justice Reversed: When the scales are out of whack

Don’t get me wrong! We need compliance in systems. As this card reminds us…

The Emperor: Boundaries

But we definitely place too much emphasis on it…

Eight of Pentacles + The Emperor: Intense focus on following the rules

Does it feel like this in your work place?

Black Lives Matter

It goes without saying that all lives matter.

But right now, non-whites are incarcerated and killed by law enforcement at higher rates than whites. So that’s where the focus needs to be. Including in my own country of Australia.

Let’s look at the Tarot of this…

The Tarot of 2020

This year continues to be the gift that keeps on giving. In the worst possible way. Every time we feel like we’re moving forward again, another one of our worst nightmares pops out of a box.

Let’s explore the tarot of this, shall we…

Throwback Thursday: Tarot’s Holy Book Part 2

I’ve written before about how Tarot contains a holy book that charts the journey of a human soul through all the stages and experiences of life. I call these cards Life Lessons Tarot. But they’re better known as the Major Arcana.

These lessons are divided into three parts. We’ve already looked at the first part: Childhood. The second part covers adulthood. As follows… Continue reading

The Tarot of Westworld


I finally got around to watching Westworld. Despite many recommendations from friends, I didn’t like it’s misogynistic overtones. Of course, once I started, I couldn’t stop. Which doesn’t mean it was perfect.

Here are my many thoughts on the Tarot of Westworld.

But beware, spoilers after the cut… Continue reading