The Tarot of Easter

Happy Easter 2021!

On Easter Sunday we remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ. According to Christian lore, his emergence from the tomb 2000 years ago proved he was the son of God. For Christians, this event signifies the new life we can experience when we embrace the Word of God.

Judgement: Being called to serve

But before Easter was a Christian celebration, it was a pagan one.

Three of Pentacles: Building on strong foundations

According to St. Bede The Venerable, the word ‘Easter’ was derived from ‘Eostre’, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. This is also where we get the word ‘oestrogen’ from (Makes sense that a female hormone would be named after a female being). Many of the traditions and symbols that play a key role in Easter observations have their roots in Her celebrations.

The Empress: Fertility & growth
In Tarot, first comes The Empress, THEN The Emperor

The very date of Easter betrays its pagan origins. It is always celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. Nothing related to the date of Jesus’s death at all. However, full moons and equinoxes were highly significant for our European ancestors.

The Moon: Hidden depths

The period of fasting that precedes Easter is a reminder of the dire food reserves our ancestors were left with at the end of winter. Rations needed to be used sparingly. Much of the good stuff was gone. We suffer as they did.

Five of Pentacles: Feeling poor

The eggs that birds produce as daylight starts to increase would have been one of the first fresh foods our ancestors could lay their hands on. Same same for rabbits. Their breeding season begins mid-February. These were the first signs of new life. Thus their significance to the ancient Vernal Equinox celebrations: A festival of gratitude that the darkness was receding and the natural world was springing back to life.

Seven of Pentacles: Reflecting on the new shoots sprouting

Egg rolling and egg decorating customs were created to acknowledge the life-saving role of eggs at this critical time of year.

Ten of Pentacles: Family traditions

At its core, the Easter story has always been a reminder that no matter how bleak the world may seem, things can get better.

The Wheel of Fortune: The ups and downs of life

Whichever version of the story you prefer, Easter is a time of hope.

Enjoy your celebrations today!

The Tarot of Pay Wave


This might not be news to the rest of you but I was shocked today to learn from a cashier that it’s very unusual for peeps to pay with cash anymore – even for a $5 coffee.

I’m a cash person. Each week I take a certain amount of money out of my account and try to live within that budget. It helps me manage my money and brings me a great deal of satisfaction in seeing exactly what rewards my efforts bring.

But clearly I am in a teensy tiny minority.

This made me wonder about the psychology and the Tarot of Pay Wave… Continue reading

The Tarot Of Mental Illness Revisited

I promised a lovely lady on my Facebook page ages ago that I’d republish all my medical Tarot blogs. Here’s one I found. Sorry it took so long…

I’ve had way more experience of mental health issues in the last few years than I ever wanted to so I thought it might be time to tackle the Tarot of Mental Illness in more depth. Unsurprisingly the cards involved include those in the last section of Life Lessons Tarot (aka the Major Arcana). Note: These cards might turn up reversed in a reading about mental illness.

The Devil

The Devil: Living in denial. An inability to face reality. Losing yourself in drugs. Denial that you have a mental illness. Continue reading

Sunday Spotlight – Five Of Pentacles: Hard Times

5 Pents

Hmm, interesting. I get this card all the time in my readings yet I’ve barely written about it on this blog. I obviously need to be pay it more attention. One of its meanings is going through hard times. Maybe you’ve lost your job or your income. Maybe you’re struggling to make ends meet. You definitely feel alone with your troubles. Sometimes though it’s more a case of feeling poor than actually living in poverty (cough cough).

If you do get the Five Of Pentacles remember Continue reading

The Tarot Of Mental Illness

I promised a lovely lady on my Facebook page ages ago that I’d republish all my medical Tarot blogs. Here’s one I found. Sorry it took so long…

I’ve had way more experience of mental health issues in the last few years than I ever wanted to so I thought it might be time to tackle the Tarot of Mental Illness in more depth. Unsurprisingly the cards involved include those in the last section of Life Lessons Tarot (aka the Major Arcana). Note: These cards might turn up reversed in a reading about mental illness.

The Devil

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FYI: The Medical Tarot

I thought we might have a look today at Tarot cards associated with medical issues. NOTE: Just because these cards turn up in a reading does NOT mean you have a medical condition. As I keep on saying, there are 50 shades of Tarot, 50 possible meanings (or thereabouts), for each card. Please take the following with a large grain of salt. Some I’m sure of. Others are educated guesses.

9 Wands

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The Tarot of The Anne Hathaway Les Mis Parody

I’ve found another top video clip for your entertainment. A Les Mis spoof in which a pseudo Anne Hathaway begs Academy Members not to forget her dream come Oscar night to the tune of Fantine’s big song in Les Miserables ‘I Dreamed A Dream’. You can find the link at:

Hmmmmm. Not sure which card to file this one under.

The Fool

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The Tarot Of Lance Armstrong’s Confession

I started this post several weeks ago when it was the watercooler story of the day. Then put it on ice when I went away on holiday. But Lance’s very qualified confession makes it the story that just keeps on giving. There seem to be so many levels to his deception. A few more were explored tonight on a cutting edge Australian current affairs program ‘Four Corners’.

So let’s have a look at the Tarot of Lance Armstrong’s confession.

The Devil

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Death In Its Infinite Variety

My thoughts today are with the families and friends of those who have passed away during  the once-in-a-lifetime weather event happening along the U.S. east coast. So I thought I’d explore different types of death Tarot style. Keeping in mind that the Death card doesn’t always mean someone is going to die. Far from it. But sometimes it does. Death during a freak event such as Hurricane Sandy would be represented as follows:

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