The Tarot of the Most Locked Down City in The World

Yes! I live in the place that has been crowned the most locked down city in the world over the past two years: Melbourne, Australia!

It’s been a journey, to put it mildly. We’ve endured six seperate lockdowns, each one more miserable than the last.

Right from the start, our state government did this…

The Emperor: Imposed strict rules

It was actually amazing how compliant everyone was!

We started off like this…

Page of Wands: Developing new skills

Baking sourdough, taking up crochet, improving our ability to work and play online.

We made lots of this…

Page of Swords + Temperance: Plans to improve our work-life balance

Some did this…

Knight of Wands + The Empress: Moved to the country

Many felt this…

Judgement: A call to serve others

People set up Facebook groups to support their community, gave money to charity, reached out to neighbours.

Some made the experience harder…

Knight of Swords: Sections of the media

With their sniping on the sidelines and their personal political agendas.

But others made it easier to do this…

The Star: Hold onto hope

Medical scientists and healthcare workers, those who went above and beyond to help through this crisis, friends on WhatsApp groups.

That was 2020.

2021 has been much worse.

There was a lot more of this between political leaders and from media commentators…

Five of Wands + Ace of Wands: Fighting for ideological supremacy


Judgement Reversed: Shattered our sense of community

And was a factor in increased…

The Tower: Mental breakdowns

And for some led to this…

The Star Reversed: Despair

People were either…

Five of Pentacles: Feeling poor

Due to businesses being unable to trade and government subsidies being withdrawn.

Or this…

Ten of Swords: Mentally drained

From being asked to work under challenging conditions.

I’ve worked six days a week for the last two years, as well as writing, and I’m in the latter category.

Up until September I felt I was doing this…

Two of Pentacles: Juggling my responsibilities nicely

But then I finished The Empress and suddenly barely had the energy to publish it, let alone write any more.

My brain just stopped working…

Ace of Swords Reversed: Unable to think clearly

And it’s only just coming back online now.

The inability to think on a deep level is definitely a symptom of this…

Nine of Swords: The ongoing stress of managing life in lockdown.

Which is why I won’t be publishing the next chapter in my Tarot series tomorrow.

I’m not sure when I’ll finish it. Maybe by the end of January, maybe not till next March.

Which is kind of funny, considering the next chapter is this…

The Emperor: Meeting deadlines

Guess this is a card I need to work on in my own life, lol!

More than anything in Melbourne, we have felt this, especially during the past six months…

Three of Swords: Brokenhearted

From being unable to spend time with friends and family – again!

From missing much-needed holidays we were looking forward to – again!

From being cooped up at home alone – again!

My Christmas wish for this year is that you get to do this…

Four of Wands + Ten of Cups: Spend the holiday season with family

Thinking of you all!

Weighing Up The Right With The Wrong

I’ve just spent two weeks shut in my apartment.

Not because I have coronavirus.

Not even because I’m a close contact of someone who does.

What happened to me is symptomatic of a system in chaos. A society under stress. A modern workplace, which is so concerned about not doing the wrong thing, it doesn’t do the right thing.

A student diagnosed with coronavirus had come to school.

Teaching staff were informed we’d need to stay home until close contacts of this student had been traced. It was meant to take one to two days. Three days, tops.

Each evening, around 5 o’clock, a message came from the education department, informing everyone to stay home the next day.

This message came on Tuesday. On Wednesday. On Thursday.

And then it came again on Friday. After the three days had passed.

And then the next evening. And the next. And the next.

Until the entire school staff had done a full quarantine, regardless of whether or not we were a close contact.

For some people this was probably fine. But I live on my own. In an apartment. There’s no-one to do the shopping for me. I can’t get groceries dropped at the door. And I never knew, from one day to the next, that I would be staying home, so it was hard to put a system in place to get support.

Fortunately, my daughter returned from the country, and replenished my food supplies in the nick of time. But that was just sheer, dumb luck!

What made the whole situation more distressing, was that the school leadership team never once directly addressed what was happening. Oh yes, they implied we must all be at home. But they never asked how we were going, or if we needed support in any way. Just referred us to the department messages and available hotlines.

I suspect they were afraid of saying the wrong thing. Getting in trouble. There’s so much compliance pressure in schools these days, no one wants to do anything but what they’re told to do.

We’re so focussed on not doing the wrong thing, we don’t do the right thing.

And I wondered if Tarot had anything to say about this.

I think the lesson comes in this card…

Temperance: Finding the right balance

There has never been a system invented that takes into account every factor involved. Let alone, one that does this in the workplace. Yet we’re expected to be compliant to the letter, without taking into account other possible issues. There’s so much focus on ticking boxes in schools these days, there’s no opportunity to step back and ask:

What else should we be doing?

What are we missing?

Temperance is a card found in the Major Arcana. Or, as I like to call it: Life Lessons Tarot. Finding the right balance is an important lesson to learn. As the card points out, in its association with health, this is what maintains well-being.

Right now, it feels like work environments are this…

Justice Reversed: When the scales are out of whack

Don’t get me wrong! We need compliance in systems. As this card reminds us…

The Emperor: Boundaries

But we definitely place too much emphasis on it…

Eight of Pentacles + The Emperor: Intense focus on following the rules

Does it feel like this in your work place?

Throwback Thursday: Tarot’s Holy Book Part 2

I’ve written before about how Tarot contains a holy book that charts the journey of a human soul through all the stages and experiences of life. I call these cards Life Lessons Tarot. But they’re better known as the Major Arcana.

These lessons are divided into three parts. We’ve already looked at the first part: Childhood. The second part covers adulthood. As follows… Continue reading

The Tarot of Mental Illness

I’ve talked about mental illness before. But in my opinion, as someone who’s had extensive experience in this area, you can never talk about it enough. There are lots of peeps suffering out there with one form or another of this insidious disease.

Let’s dive deep into the Tarot of Mental Illness shall we… Continue reading

Temperance: Patron Saint Of Cooking


For the past few weeks I’ve been obsessed, OBSESSED, with googling recipes for this crazy new diet I’m on. You could say that I like eating. In my younger days I planned to have written on my tombstone: It was all about the food! I never just want to be healthy, I want to enjoy the road I travel to get there.

If ever there was a patron saint of cooking I figure it would have to be good ol’ Temperance. Look at him mixing things together there in the card. He is the master of fancy cuisine, cocktails and other concoctions. Helps you find a healthy balance. And encourages general well-being. Bless him.

Do you like to cook or eat or both?

Tarot Card Angels

My weekly email from Biddy Tarot has inspired me to look at the angels in Tarot. They are found on Life Lessons (aka Major Arcana) cards which are the most significant ones in the Tarot deck. Each is an archangel i.e. they are serious players in the angelic world, what they have to say is important. So if they turn up in a reading, pay attention!

The Lovers

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