The Tarot of New Year’s Resolutions

We often start our year doing this…

Page of Swords: Setting goals

Sometimes we tackle them like this…

Knight of Swords: In haste

In which case we might…

Ten of Swords: Burn out fast

In other cases, we need to do this…

Knight of Wands: Summon up courage to take action

Or you might approach your goals like this…

Knight of Pentacles: Laying solid groundwork

In which case you’re more likely to…

Six of Wands: Experience success

Maybe a goal you’ve chosen this year involves this…

Knight of Cups: An act of love

You might feel this…

Judgement: A call to serve others

In which case you’re this…

King of Wands: My hero

My resolution this year was this…

Three of Cups: Start up a dinner club with friends to experience the amazing food we have here in Melbourne.

However, this happened…

The Tower: Omicron

And my friends…

Eight of Cups Reversed: Don’t want to go anywhere outside their comfort zone

So I joined a bushwalking club instead…

The Empress: Enjoying nature

This week my youngest daughter said she would join my dinner club. We went to this high-energy Japanese eating house in the city, Yakimono, where I enjoyed the most wonderful smoked paprika raw tuna steak AND spent precious time with a child who is always super busy…

Nine of Cups: Feeling sated

So I get to participate in two new hobbies this year #win

Did you make a New Year resolution?

What was it?

Feel free to share in the comment section below.

Two of Wands: Be Bold!

I’ve started doing a ritual on the solstice before Christmas – the true New Year – whereby I choose a Tarot card to represent the year that is coming up.

This year I got the Two of Wands.

Not a card I’m super familiar with.

It signifies…

Having power over others

Wielding influence

Being a pioneer

Investigating a new opportunity

Stepping outside social expectations

Figuring out the way forward

Note: Wands involve action. So the figuring out occurs by doing, not thinking.

But my favourite meaning is…

Being bold!

Choosing your own path!

Taking a risk!

Do you know any other meanings for this card?

Happy New Year 2022

Omicron is currently spreading around the world, which doesn’t feel like a very hopeful sign for the new year. But my favourite astrologer, Mystic Medusa, insists that the stars suggest life will get easier in 2022. So, fingers crossed for that!

It’s always fun on the cusp of a new year to work out your Tarot Card of the Year. This card represents the type of experiences you can expect to have over the next 12 months. A numerological formula gives you a number that correlates with one of the Life Lesson aka Major Arcana cards. Because of the way it works, each following year you shift into the subsequent Life Lesson card e.g. If your Tarot Year Card in 2021 was The Lovers, in 2022 it will be The Chariot. However, at the turn of each decade or century, you will be sent to a different part of the Major Arcana, and begin a new cycle.

The formula is this: You add up your birth day + your birth month + the current calendar year. Then you work out which Life Lesson card matches the number you got. If the number is greater than 21, you add the digits together.

The Life Lessons cards are numbered as follows:

1 The Magician

2 The High Priestess

3 The Empress

4 The Emperor

5 The Hierophant

6 The Lovers

7 The Chariot

8 Strength

9 The Hermit

10 The Wheel of Fortune

11 Justice

12 The Hanged Man

13 Death

14 Temperance

15 The Devil

16 The Tower

17 The Star

18 The Moon

19 The Sun

20 Judgement

21 The World

My birthday is the 22nd May. The formula for me this year is: 2+2+5+2+0+2+2 =15. This is the number of The Devil. Not my favourite card. In the past couple of decades it’s been the beginning of traumatic journeys for me. But this won’t always be the case. It’s about bringing hidden parts of yourself into the light. Ripping off masks you wear. It can also be about addictions and destructive behaviours, but I don’t really have any of those (that I’m aware of!)

It’s important to point out that you should use this formula with a grain of salt. I throw a lot of salt over my shoulder while using Tarot. You should never let the cards chain you to a particular outcome. Just because your card for 2021 is The Empress doesn’t mean you should lie around and eat chocolate for a whole year – although that does sound kind of appealing.

Have a go and let me know what you think. And if your Tarot Year Card is one I haven’t focused on yet and you’d like to know more about it let me know in the comments section below.

Cheers, tan

The Different Stages of the Christmas Season

We’re in the pause between Christmas and New Year. A time many have off from work. In some ways, this is my favourite part of the Christmas season. The manic rush of Christmas has passed and there is time before the New Year to reflect. But maybe you prefer another part?

Let’s explore the different stages of the Christmas Season…

We decorate the house…

Ten of Pentacles: Taking part in valued traditions

Catch up with friends for a drink…

Three of Cups: Socialising

Buy presents…

Six of Pentacles: Giving and receiving

Rush around like mad at the end to get everything done…

Ten of Wands: Being overextended

By Christmas Eve, you hopefully begin to feel this…

Ace of Cups: Spiritually renewed

Beit through your faith, by listening to carols, or by spending time with loved ones.

On Christmas Day we spend time with family.

Hopefully, it felt like this…

Ten of Cups: Counting your blessings

Rather than this…

Three of Swords: Reigniting old heartaches

Maybe by the end of the day you experienced this…

Nine of Cups Reversed: Food coma or other over-indulgence

We now have a week between Christmas and New Year.

Which is a great time for this…

Four of Swords: Restful contemplation

Before the new year comes around.

When we do this…

Ace of Swords: Set a clear direction for the next twelve months

What is your favourite stage of the Christmas season?

The Tarot of the Northern Winter Solstice

The celebration of the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere has ancient roots…

The Moon: Hidden Depths

Going back thousands of years, possibly tens of thousands of years, maybe even hundreds of thousands of years, into prehistory.

And it’s not hard to see why!

December 21st marks this…

Wheel of Fortune: A turning point

It’s when the Earth pauses in its tilt away from the Sun, before heading back towards the light.

This is a truly significant moment in the year and would have had deep meaning for our ancestors.

The Earth turns towards the light just before the northern hemisphere is plunged into the bleakness of the most challenging winter months, when the weather is freezing and food scarce…

Five of Pentacles: Hard times

The winter solstice commemoration was created to remind us during the darkest of times that the world is turning back towards the light.

It is a celebration of this…

The Star: Hope

And is the true origins of the Christmas festival we now celebrate at this time of the year.

Jesus is another symbol of hope for us.

Of a way we can move forward towards the light.

Just as Tarot is too!

The Tarot of the Most Locked Down City in The World

Yes! I live in the place that has been crowned the most locked down city in the world over the past two years: Melbourne, Australia!

It’s been a journey, to put it mildly. We’ve endured six seperate lockdowns, each one more miserable than the last.

Right from the start, our state government did this…

The Emperor: Imposed strict rules

It was actually amazing how compliant everyone was!

We started off like this…

Page of Wands: Developing new skills

Baking sourdough, taking up crochet, improving our ability to work and play online.

We made lots of this…

Page of Swords + Temperance: Plans to improve our work-life balance

Some did this…

Knight of Wands + The Empress: Moved to the country

Many felt this…

Judgement: A call to serve others

People set up Facebook groups to support their community, gave money to charity, reached out to neighbours.

Some made the experience harder…

Knight of Swords: Sections of the media

With their sniping on the sidelines and their personal political agendas.

But others made it easier to do this…

The Star: Hold onto hope

Medical scientists and healthcare workers, those who went above and beyond to help through this crisis, friends on WhatsApp groups.

That was 2020.

2021 has been much worse.

There was a lot more of this between political leaders and from media commentators…

Five of Wands + Ace of Wands: Fighting for ideological supremacy


Judgement Reversed: Shattered our sense of community

And was a factor in increased…

The Tower: Mental breakdowns

And for some led to this…

The Star Reversed: Despair

People were either…

Five of Pentacles: Feeling poor

Due to businesses being unable to trade and government subsidies being withdrawn.

Or this…

Ten of Swords: Mentally drained

From being asked to work under challenging conditions.

I’ve worked six days a week for the last two years, as well as writing, and I’m in the latter category.

Up until September I felt I was doing this…

Two of Pentacles: Juggling my responsibilities nicely

But then I finished The Empress and suddenly barely had the energy to publish it, let alone write any more.

My brain just stopped working…

Ace of Swords Reversed: Unable to think clearly

And it’s only just coming back online now.

The inability to think on a deep level is definitely a symptom of this…

Nine of Swords: The ongoing stress of managing life in lockdown.

Which is why I won’t be publishing the next chapter in my Tarot series tomorrow.

I’m not sure when I’ll finish it. Maybe by the end of January, maybe not till next March.

Which is kind of funny, considering the next chapter is this…

The Emperor: Meeting deadlines

Guess this is a card I need to work on in my own life, lol!

More than anything in Melbourne, we have felt this, especially during the past six months…

Three of Swords: Brokenhearted

From being unable to spend time with friends and family – again!

From missing much-needed holidays we were looking forward to – again!

From being cooped up at home alone – again!

My Christmas wish for this year is that you get to do this…

Four of Wands + Ten of Cups: Spend the holiday season with family

Thinking of you all!

The Tarot Teaclub: The Empress

The latest chapter in my Tarot Teaclub series, The Empress, has now been published on Amazon Kindle. It’s a bit late. I actually finished it a week ago, but have been struggling to find the energy to publish it. We all have those times in life…

Ten of Swords: Feeling completely depleted

You can access The Empress for free from Friday 8th October to Saturday 9th October, and on the 21st of each month (U.S. Time)

The other books in this series are also available to read for free on those dates: The Fool, The Magician and The High Priestess.

The links to each of these are below…

I know this series won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. But for those who persist, it’s a chance to immerse yourself in the themes of the Major Aracana, the Holy Book of Tarot.

Get out of it what you will!

Love, tan x

Sunday Spotlight: Eight of Wands – Making Things Happen!

Eight wands head towards the ground, with new shoots sprouting.

I don’t get this Tarot card in a spread as often as I’d like. It’s…

Making your move

Putting plans into action

Making progress

Fast paced change

Digging a lot deeper

Facing up to challenges

Experiencing positive growth

Gaining momentum

Making a strong commitment

Feeling excited


Going on a big adventure

Air travel

Reversed, it’s…

Hold ups

A kick up the backside

Failure to launch

Being told to move on

How often do you get the Eight of Wands in a spread?

The Tarot Teaclub Series: The High Priestess

The latest chapter in my Tarot Teaclub series, The High Priestess, has now been published on Amazon Kindle. You can access it for free from Thursday 24th June to Saturday 26th June, and on the 21st of each month (U.S. Time)

The first book in the series, The Fool, is also available to read for free on those dates.

The Magician will be available on the 21st of every month for free from July (I stuffed up the dates for June somehow???)

The links to each book are below…

Happy Solstice!

June 21st marks a turning point in the year.

It’s when the Earth takes a pause in its tilt towards or away from the Sun. It appears to take stock of its progress, before moving in a new direction.

We can do the same!

If it’s the Winter Solstice where you are, it’s a good time to do this…

Two of Pentacles: Weigh up what you care about most

Then you can…

The Magician: Set goals for the year ahead

The Winter Solstice is Nature’s New Year!

If it’s the Summer Solstice where you are, stop and do this…

Seven of Pentacles: Reflect on your progress

The Summer Solstice is a good time to celebrate your achievements, and fine-tune your goals for the second half of the year.

But what does the word solstice mean?

Page of Swords: Learning about words

The word solstice comes from Latin. Sol meaning Sun and sistere meaning to stand still. Originally, we thought the Sun leaned towards us, instead of us towards it.

In celebration of the solstice, I’ve just submitted the latest chapter of The Tarot Teaclub to Amazon for publication. I’ll let you know when it’s available to read.

Happy Solstice everyone!