The Tarot of the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

World leaders at the G7 summit in England this week added fuel to the flames of the most pressing conspiracy theory of our times: Did Covid-19 escape from a Chinese lab?

Let’s explore the Tarot of this a little, shall we?

The origins of the current world-wide coronavirus epidemic are currently unknown…

The Moon: Hidden depths

But from the start, various media commentators have speculated that the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology…

Page of Swords: Developing A Theory

The most compelling evidence for this is probably…

Death: The fact that Wuhan was the epicentre for the first large-scale outbreak

Meanwhile, scientists around the world have continued to insist this virus spread from animals…

Eight of Pentacles Reversed: It’s not man-made

Although that doesn’t rule out the lab completely, as the Wuhan Institute stores samples of the closest-known relative to Covid-19…

Seven of Swords Reversed: Acting suspicious

These samples were collected in 2012 when some miners fell sick with a mysterious illness…

Temperance Reversed: Feeling unwell

The Chinese virologist whose work is at the centre of these allegations insisted in a recent interview that the claims are baseless…

Knight of Swords Reversed: Feeling slandered

However, China’s ongoing refusal to allow an independent investigation into the lab makes this hard to believe…

The Moon Reversed: Muddying the waters

The High Priestess Reversed: Feeling unsure

If certain leaders didn’t seem hell-bent on blaming the Chinese for this epidemic, they might be more willing to co-operate.

Judgement Reversed: Wanting to blame

The Devil Reversed: Making someone the bad guy

What are your thoughts about this?

The Tarot of Good Friday

On Good Friday, we remember the story of Jesus’ death. He was crucified on a cross. Nailed by his hands and feet to the wood. Struggled to draw breath for hours on end. Until eventually he passed away.

It is said that he suffered on that cross so all of us may live. That God loved us so much, he sent his only son to suffer public humiliation and death. This belief is at the very heart of Christianity.

Which seems like a strange notion, when you think about it! Why did Jesus have to die to heal our broken relationship with the divine? Wouldn’t a lifetime of preaching and miracles have been equally as affective?

Traditionally, Good Friday is celebrated by Christians as this…

Five of Cups: A day of mourning

The death on the cross always reminds me of this Tarot card…

The Hanged Man: Waiting for something to shift

Which doesn’t seem a really good fit for the story of Good Friday on the surface. Although it does proceed this card…

Death: Major change

And Jesus’ death did precipitate a major change in world history: It spawned a whole new religion!

But for me, this event feels more like this card…

Judgement: Being called to serve others

The Son of Man himself did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).

Sacrifice was an important notion in the ancient world. A central creed. By the prehistorical era, it had been twisted into acts of animal, and even, human sacrifice. Jesus’ death was the ultimate example of this. But before we lost our memory of the origins of human civilisation, back when we lived in the forest and worshipped in the cave, it wasn’t an obligation imposed by our gods. It was an act of appreciation. A nod of recognition to the plants and animals that gave their lives in our food, so that we may live.

This was the original meaning of reconciliation.

Our ancestors wrestled with the knowledge that our lives came at the cost of others. To resolve that conflict they maintained an attitude of gratitude towards every creature that provided support and nourishment for humanity. Created customs to formalise that acknowledgement. Life is a great gift. And when we lived in nature, we were much more cognisant of that fact.

Which puts me in mind of this card…

The Magician: Having attitude

When we appreciate the magic of our very existence in this universe, when we treat every being on this planet, beit animal, plant or mineral, with respect, we will find ourselves on a richer and more fulfilling path.

That’s what Tarot teaches us!

The Tarot of Christmas 2020

It’s been a hard year.

The hardest ever for many.

You may be feeling like this…

Five of Pentacles: Without hope

Or like this…

Ten of Wands: Overburdened with cares

Or like this…

Ten of Swords: Mentally drained

If you’re young, you may be feeling like this…

Seven of Swords: Cheated of a normal childhood/young adulthood

If you’re middle-aged, you might be feeling like this…

Two of Pentacles + Seven of Wands: Juggling never-ending battles

If you’re old or have serious health conditions, you might be feeling like this…

The Devil + Death: Terrified of dying

Wherever you’re at, Christmas is a time to stop and remember…

The Christmas Star: There is ALWAYS hope…

Life CAN get better. We could be just around the corner from a turning point in our fight against the virus currently plaguing our planet. You could be one interview away from a much-needed job. One phone call away from loving support.

As Tarot reminds us, nothing lasts forever…

Wheel of Fortune: Life goes up AND down (not just down)

Wishing you and your loved ones a healthy and happy Christmas together!

Ten of Cups: Happy families (in whatever form they come for you!)

As a Christmas gift, you can read the first chapter of my Tarot Teaclub series now published on Amazon for free on Christmas Day. Just click on the link below…

Black Lives Matter

It goes without saying that all lives matter.

But right now, non-whites are incarcerated and killed by law enforcement at higher rates than whites. So that’s where the focus needs to be. Including in my own country of Australia.

Let’s look at the Tarot of this…

Throwback Thursday: Tarot’s Holy Book Part 2

I’ve written before about how Tarot contains a holy book that charts the journey of a human soul through all the stages and experiences of life. I call these cards Life Lessons Tarot. But they’re better known as the Major Arcana.

These lessons are divided into three parts. We’ve already looked at the first part: Childhood. The second part covers adulthood. As follows… Continue reading

Crying Wolf


One of the most famous English folktales is ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’. The story goes that a young shepherd would trick his fellow villagers by shouting for help, pretending that wolves were attacking his sheep. Several times the villagers rushed to his aid, only to discover the shepherd laughing at them. Of course, when a wolf really did attack, no-one came to his aid.

This week local officials in my hometown pleaded for people to stop “crying wolf” because… Continue reading

The Tarot Of The Walking Dead

I’ve just finished mainlining series two of ‘The Walking Dead’. Seeing as how I can’t get those zombies out of my head I thought we might explore the Tarot of this television show.

6 Cups

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